Despite having a bit of a rough day, we just got some wonderful news.  We heard from the doctor and Erika’s margins were clean, the cancer is DCIS and not invasive, and that her lymph nodes were cancer-free!!!  What does that mean?  1) Her margins are clean so she gets to keep her nipples.  2)  The cancer was contained in the ducts … which are now gone – so she can stop the drug therapy (we think).  3)  No need for chemo or radiation.  So, in a nutshell, she’s done.  We couldn’t be happier.

Thanks for all of your prayers and well wishes… they were answered.


15 thoughts on “JUMP!

  1. Yes yes yes!!!!

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  2. We are doing a serious happy dance in the Mayer household. Thank you for making our day! All of our love and continued prayers for this next phase of recovery. I love you Erika!

  3. JUMPing up and down!!! Jump jump for JOY, blessed news! So relieved to hear this! YAYAYAYYYAY! LOVE LOVE LOVE your update, all my love to Erie, you and Z & A

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